Batemans Bay Skippycoin ICG

Batemans Bay

New South Wales


Community, Business and Visitor Town Portal

Batemans Bay Community Ads

Do you want to list a Community Group?

To create "Smart Ads" within the Community categorys for promoting your Club, Group or Cause, Community Leaders can establish an account in 2 ways

  • $2 per month or $12 per year "Gold Coin" Subscription

  • 100% Free full service advertising through sponsorship under the wing of an active Business Members Account

Basically we need to verify you are not a spammer and Gold Coin level membership helps us cover the most minimal of costs


Create an Account and LOGIN

We encourage our business members to seek out and sponsor Community Group Advertisers. This is a win win because

  • You get a FREE account

  • The business gets kudos as your Smart Ads will display your sponsors logo and business link

  • You can use the foot in the door to develop the sponsorship relationship further

Read more about this program in your "Sponsorship" menu inside

Please like our Page

Are you listing your Community Group on the right Community Portal?




Is your Batemans Bay Business or Community Group listed with your Local Web Directory? The stars are the websites and they are all at your service. Find your Australian Town or City and Login to Create Ads, Events and Articles

Over 1000 United Australian Community Websites.

Batemans Bay Bridge thanks to eGuide Travel